
1995, Slaper, H., H.A.J.M. Reinen, M. Blumthaler, M. Huber and F. Kuik, Comparing ground-level spectrally resolved solar UV measurements using various instruments: a technique resolving effects of wavelength shift and slit width, Geophysical Research Letters, 22 (20) 2721-2724
Tags: Spectral UV, UV Irradiance, Validation

1995, Tsou, J.J., B. J. Connor, A. Parrish, I. S. McDermid and W.P. Chu, Ground-Based Microwave Monitoring of Middle Atmosphere Ozone: Comparison to Lidar and SAGE II Satellite Observation, Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 3005-3016
Tags: Lidar, Microwave, Ozone, Satellite, Validation

1995, Wild, J.D., M. E. Gelman, A. J. Miller, M. L. Chanin, A. Hauchecorne, P. Keckhut, R. Farley, P. D. Dao, J. W. Meriwether, G. P. Gobbi, F. Congeduti, A. Adriani, I. S. McDermid, T. J. McGee and E. F. Fishbein, Comparison of stratospheric temperatures from several lidars, using National Meteorological Center and microwave limb sounder data as transfer references, Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 11,105-11,111
Tags: Lidar, Satellite, Temperature, Validation

1995, McGee, T.J., Ferrare, R.A., Whiteman, D.N., Butler, JJ., Burris, J.F., et al., Lidar Measurements of Stratospheric Ozone during the STOIC Campaign, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 100(D5): 9255 - 9262
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Validation

1995, Sarkissian, A,, Roscoe, H.K., Fish, D., Van Roozendael, M., Gil, M., et al., Ozone and NO2 Air-Mass Factors for Zenith-Sky Spectrometers - Intercomparison of Calculations with Different Radiative Transfer Models, Geophysical Research Letters, 22(9): 1113-1119
Tags: Model, NO2, Ozone, UVVis, Validation

1995, Peil, S., Seisel, S., Schrems, O., FTIR-Spectroscopic Studies of Polar Stratospheric Cloud Model Surfaces - Characterization of Nitric Acid Hydrates and Heterogeneous Reactions involving N2O5 and HBR, Journal of Molecular Structure, 348: 449-452
Tags: FTIR, HNO3, Model, PSC