
2023, Virolainen, Y.A., Ionov, D.V. & Polyakov, A.V., Analysis of Long-Term Measurements of Tropospheric Ozone at the St. Petersburg State University Observational Site in Peterhof, Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 59, 287–295,
Tags: FTIR, Ozone

2023, Virolainen, Y.A., Timofeyev, Y.M., Polyakov, A.V. et al., Ground-Based FTIR Measurements of Atmospheric Nitric Acid at the NDACC, Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 59, 167–173,
Tags: FTIR, HNO3, Nitric Acid

2021, Gruzdev, A.N., Elokhov A.S. , Changes in the column content and vertical distribution of NO2 according to the results of 30-year measurements at the Zvenigorod Scientific Station of the A. M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 57 (1), 91–103,
Tags: UVVis, NO2

2019, Gruzdev, A.N., Accounting for serial correlation in a multiple linear regression problem on the example of analysis of the column NO2 content in the atmosphere, Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 55, 65–72,
Tags: NO2, UVVis

2018, Cherepova, M.V., S.P. Smyshlyaev, M.V. Makarova, Yu.M. Timofeyev, A.V. Poberovskiy, and G.M. Shved, A Study of the Column Methane Short-Term Variability in the Atmosphere on a Regional Scale, Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 54, 5, 558–569,
Tags: CH4, FTIR

2018, Gruzdev, A.N., V.Yu. Ageyeva, A.S. Elokhov, Changes in vertical distribution and column content of NO2 under the influence of Influence of sudden stratospheric warmings, Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 54, 354–363,
Tags: NO2, UVVis

2015, van Malderen, R., De Backer, H., Delcloo, A. and Allaart, M., Identifying the Origin of Anomalous High Tropospheric Ozone in the Ozonesonde Data at Uccle by Comparison with Nearby De Bilt, Atmosphere-Ocean, Ozone Special Issue,
Tags: Ozone, Sonde

2014, Eleftheratos, K., S. Kazadzis, C. S. Zerefos, K. Tourpali, C. Meleti, D. Balis, I. Zyrichidou, K. Lakkala, U. Feister, T. Koskela, A. Heikkila, and J. M. Karhu, Ozone and spectroradiometric UV changes in the past 20 years over high latitudes, Atmosphere-Ocean, Atmosphere-Ocean, 53:1, 117-125,
Tags: Ozone, Spectral UV, UV Irradiance

2008, Gruzdev, A.N., Latitudinal dependence of variations in stratospheric NO2 content, Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 44, (3), 319-333
Tags: NO2, UVVis

2006, Forkman, P.M., Shulga, V.M., Piddiachii, V.I., Korolev, A.M., Myshenko, V.V., Myshenko, A.V, An uncooled very low noise Shottky diode receiver front end for ozone and carbon monoxide measurements, International Journal of Infrared and Millimetre Waves, 27(1), 25-35
Tags: CO, Microwave, Ozone