
2021, Reinares Martinez, I., Evan, S., Wienhold, F. G., Brioude, J., Jensen, E. J., Thornberry, T. D., et al., Unprecedented observations of a nascent in situ cirrus in the tropical tropopause layer, Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL090936,
Tags: Clouds, Sonde

2021, Smit, H.G.J., Thompson, A. M., and ASOPOS panel, Ozonesonde Measurement Principles and Best Operational Practices, ASOPOS (Assessment of Standard Operating Procedures for Ozonesondes) 2.0, , WMO Global Atmosphere Watch report series, No. 268, World Meteorological Organization, Geneva,
Tags: Ozone, Sonde

2021, Mettig, N., Weber, M., Rozanov, A., Arosio, C., Burrows, J. P., Veefkind, P., Thompson, A. M., Querel, R., Leblanc, T., Godin-Beekmann, S., Kivi, R., and Tully, M. B., Ozone profile retrieval from nadir TROPOMI measurements in the UV range, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 6057–6082,
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Satellite, Sonde

2021, Cazorla, M., R. Parra, E. Herrera, and F. R. da Silva, Characterizing ozone throughout the atmospheric column over the tropical Andes from in situ and remote sensing observations, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 9(1),
Tags: Ozone, Sonde

2021, Hubert, D., K.-P. Heue, J-C. Lambert, T. Verhoelst, M. Allaart, S. Compernolle, P. D. Cullis, A. Dehn, C. Félix, B. J. Johnson, A. Keppens, D. E. Kollonige, C. Lerot, D. Loyola, M. Mohamad, F. R. daSilva, A. Piters, H. Selkirk, A. M. Thompson, J. P. Veefkind, H. Vömel, J. C. Witte, C. Zehner, TROPOMI tropospheric ozone column data: Geophysical assessment and comparison to ozonesondes, GOME-2B and OMI, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14, 7405–7433,
Tags: Ozone, Satellite, Sonde, Validation

2021, Wilka, C., Solomon, S., D. Kinnison, D., Tarasick, D., An Arctic Ozone Hole in 2020 If Not For the Montreal Protocol, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 15771–15781,
Tags: Ozone, Sonde

2021, Meng, L., J. Liu, D.W. Tarasick and Y. Li , Biases of Global Tropopause Altitude Products in Reanalyses and Implications for Estimates of Tropospheric Column Ozone, Atmosphere, 12, 417,
Tags: Sonde, Ozone, Model

2021, Brunamonti, S., Martucci, G., Romanens, G., Poltera, Y., Wienhold, F. G., Hervo, M., Haefele, A., and Navas-Guzmán, F., Validation of aerosol backscatter profiles from Raman lidar and ceilometer using balloon-borne measurements, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 2267–2285,
Tags: Lidar, Sonde, Temperature

2021, van Malderen, R., De Muer, D., De Backer, H., Poyraz, D., Verstraeten, W. W., De Bock, V., Delcloo, A., Mangold, A., Laffineur, Q., Allaart, M., Fierens, F., and Thouret, V., Fifty years of balloon-borne ozone profile measurements at Uccle, Belgium: a short history, the scientific relevance and the achievements in understanding the vertical ozone distribution, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 12385–12411,
Tags: Sonde, Ozone

2021, Bouarar, I., B. Gaubert, G.P. Brasseur, W. Steinbrecht, T. Doumbia, S. Tilmes, et al., Ozone Anomalies in the Free Troposphere during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL094204,
Tags: Sonde, Tropospheric Ozone