
2020, Bernhard, G., R. E. Neale, P. W. Barnes, P. J. Neale, R. G. Zepp, S. R. Wilson, A. L. Andrady, A. F. Bais, R. L. McKenzie, P. J. Aucamp, P. J. Young, J. B. Liley, R. M. Lucas, S. Yazar, L. E. Rhodes, S. N. Byrne, L. M. Hollestein, C. M. Olsen, A. R. Young, T. M. Robson, J. F. Bornman, M. A. K. Jansen, S. A. Robinson, C. L. Ballaré, C. E. Williamson, K. C. Rose, A. T. Banaszak, D.-P. Häder, S. Hylander, S.-Å. Wängberg, A. T. Austin, W.-C. Hou, N. D. Paul,S. Madronich, B. Sulzberger, K. R. Solomon, H. Li, T. Schikowski, J. Longstreth, K. K. Pandey, A. M. Heikkilä, and C. C. White, Environmental effects of stratospheric ozone depletion, UV radiation and interactions with climate change: UNEP Environmental Effects Assessment Panel, update 2019, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 19, 542–584,
Tags: Spectral UV, UVB

2019, Bognar, K., X. Zhao, K. Strong, C.D. Boone, A.E. Bourassa, D.A. Degenstein, J.R. Drummond, A. Duff, F. Goutail, D. Griffn, P.S. Jeffery, E. Lutsch, G.L. Manney, C.T. McElroy, C.A. McLinden, L.F. Millan, A. Pazmino, C.E. Sioris, K.A. Walker, and J. Zou, Updated validation of ACE and OSIRIS ozone and NO2 measurements in the Arctic using ground-based instruments at Eureka, Canada, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 238, 106571,
Tags: FTIR, Ozone, Satellite, UVVis, Validation

2019, Bais, A.F., G. Bernhard, R. L. McKenzie, P. J. Aucamp, P. J. Young, M. Ilyas, P. Jöckel, and M. Deushi, Ozone–climate interactions and effects on solar ultraviolet radiation, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 18, 602-640,
Tags: Ozone, Spectral UV, UVB

2018, Nikitin, A.V., X.Thomas, L.Daumont, M.Rey, K.Sung, G.C.Toon, M.A.H.Smith, A.W.Mantz, A.E.Protasevich, S.A.Tashkuna, Vl.G.Tyuterev, Assignment and modelling of 12CH4 spectra in the 5550-5695, 5718-5725 and 5792-5814 cm-1 regions, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 219, 323-332,
Tags: CH4, FTIR

2018, Hartmann, J.-M., Ha Tran, Raymond Armante, Christian Boulet, Alain Campargue, Francois Forget, Livio Gianfrani, Iouli Gordon, Sandrine Guerlet, Magnus Gustafsson, Joseph T. Hodges, Samir Kassi, Daniel Lisak, Franck Thibault, Geoffrey C. Toon, Recent advances in collisional effects on spectra of molecular gases and their practical consequences, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 213, 2018, 178-227
Tags: FTIR

2017, Rüfenacht, R., Kämpfer, N., The Importance of Signals in the Doppler Broadening Range for Middle-Atmospheric Microwave Wind and Ozone Radiometry, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 199, 77-88,
Tags: IO, Ozone, Wind

2017, Lejeune, L., Mahieu, E., Vollmer, M. K., Reimann, S., Bernath, P. F., Boone, C. D., Walker, K. A. and Servais, C, Optimized approach to retrieve information on atmospheric carbonyl sulfide (OCS) above the Jungfraujoch station and change in its abundance since 1995, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 186, 81–95,

2016, Timofeyev, Y., Yana Virolainen, Maria Makarova, Anatoly Poberovsky, Alexander Polyakov, Dmitry Ionov, Sergey Osipov, Hamud Imhasin, Ground-based spectroscopic measurements of atmospheric gas composition near Saint Petersburg (Russia), Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 323,
Tags: FTIR

2015, Bais, A.F., R. L. McKenzie, G. Bernhard, P. J. Aucamp, M. Ilyas, S. Madronich, and K. Tourpali, K., Ozone depletion and climate change: Impacts on UV radiation, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 14, 19-52,
Tags: Ozone, Spectral UV, UV Irradiance

2013, Wright, C.Y., C. Brogniez, K. P. Ncongwane,V. Sivakumar, G. Coetzee, J.-M. Metzger, F. Auriol, C. Deroo, B. Sauvage, Sunburn Risk Among Children and Outdoor Workers in South Africa and Reunion Island Coastal Sites, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences,
Tags: Health, Spectral UV