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Tags: FTIR, Ozone, SSW

2018, Blanc, et al., Toward an Improved Representation of Middle Atmospheric Dynamics Thanks to the ARISE Project, Surveys in Geophysics, 39 (2), 171-225,
Tags: Lidar

2012, Gomez, R.M., Nedoluha, G. E., Neal, H., McDermid, I. S, The fourth-generation Water Vapor Millimeter-Wave Spectrometer, Radio Science, 47, RS1010,
Tags: H2O, Microwave

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Tags: H2O, Microwave

2004, Deuber, B., Kämpfer, N., Minimized standing waves in microwave radiometer balancing calibration, Radio Science, 39, RS1009,
Tags: Microwave

1990, Haner, D. A., I. S. McDermid, Stimulated Raman Shifting of Nd:YAG Fourth Harmonic (266 nm) in H2, HD and D2, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, QE-26, 1292-1298
Tags: Lidar

1988, Parrish, A., R.L. de Zafra, P.M. Solomon, and J.W. Barrett, A ground-based technique for millimeter wave spectroscopic observations of stratospheric trace constituents, Radio Science, 23, 106-118
Tags: Microwave

1987, McDermid, I.S., Ground-based Lidar and Atmospheric Studies, Surveys in Geophysics, 9, 107-122
Tags: Lidar