
2003, Rinsland, C.P., A. Goldman, T. M. Stephen, L. S. Chiou, E. Mahieu and R. Zander, SF6 ground-based infrared solar absorption measurements: long-term trend, pollution events and a search for SF5CF3 absorption, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 78, 41-53
Tags: FTIR, HNO3, Model, NO, NO2, Volcano

2003, Rinsland, C.P., D. K. Weisenstein, M. K. W. Ko, C. J. Scott, L. S. Chiou, E. Mahieu, R. Zander, and P. Demoulin, Post Mount Pinatubo eruption ground-based stratospheric column measurements of HNO3, NO, and NO2 and their comparison with model calculation, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(D15), 4437, ACL1,
Tags: FTIR, HNO3, Model, NO, NO2, Volcano

2003, Antuña, J.C., A. Robock, G. Stenchikov, J. Zhou, C. David, J. Barnes, and L. Thomason, Spatial and temporal variability of the stratospheric aerosol cloud produced by the 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption, Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(D20), 4624,
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar, Volcano

2002, Rinsland, C.P., R. Zander, E. Mahieu, L. S. Chiou, A. Goldman, and N. B. Jones, Stratospheric HF column abundances above Kitt Peak (31.9°N latitude): trends from 1977 to 2001 and correlations with stratospheric HCl columns, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 74, 205-216
Tags: FTIR, HCl, HF, Trends

2002, Müller, R.W., H. Bovensmann, J. W. Kaiser, A. Richter, A. Rozanov, F. Wittrock, and J. P. Burrows, Consistent Interpretation of Ground based and GOME BrO Slant Column Data, Advances in Space Research, 29(11), 1655-1660
Tags: BrO, UVVis

2002, Pundt, I., J.-P. Pommereau, M.P. Chipperfield, M. Van Roozendael, and F. Goutail, Climatology of the stratospheric BrO vertical distribution by balloon borne UV-Vis spectroscopy, Journal of Geophysical Research, 107,
Tags: BrO, Climatology, UVVis

2002, Sinnhuber, B.-M., D.W. Arlander, H. Bovensmann, J.P. Burrows, M.P. Chipperfield, C.-F. Enell, U. Frieß, F. Hendrick, P.V. Johnston, R.L. Jones, K. Kreher, R. Müller, K. Pfeilsticker, U. Platt, J.-P. Pommereau, I. Pundt, A. Richter, A. South, K. Karlsen Tørnkvist, M. Van Roozendael, T. Wagner and F. Wittrock, Intercomparison of measured and modeled BrO slant column densities, Journal of Geophysical Research, 107 (D19), 4398,
Tags: BrO, UVVis, Validation

2002, Aliwell, S.R., M. Van Roozendael, P. V. Johnston, A. Richter, T. Wagner, D. W. Arlander, J. P. Burrows, D. J. Fish, R. Jones, K. K. Tørnkvist, J.-C. Lambert, K. Pfeilsticker, and I. Pundt, Analysis for BrO in zenith-sky spectra: An intercomparison exercise for analysis improvement, Journal of Geophysical Research, 107, D14,
Tags: BrO, UVVis, Validation

2002, Antuña, J.C., A. Robock, G. L. Stenchikov, L. W. Thomason, and J. E. Barnes, Lidar validation of SAGE II aerosol measurements after the 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption, Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(D14), 4194
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar, Satellite, Volcano

2002, Van Roozendael, M., T. Wagner, A. Richter, I. Pundt, D. W. Arlander, J. P. Burrows, M. Chipperfield, C. Fayt, P. V. Johnston, J.-C. Lambert, K. Kreher, K. Pfeilsticker, U. Platt, J.-P. Pommereau, B.-M. Sinnhuber, K. K. Tørnkvist, and F. Wittrock, Intercomparison of BrO Measurements From ERS-2 GOME, Ground-based and Balloon Platforms, Advances in Space Research, 29, 1661-1666
Tags: BrO, Satellite, UVVis, Validation