
2020, Polyakov, A., Y. Virolainen, A. Poberovskiy, M. Makarova and Y. Timofeyev, Atmospheric HCFC-22 total columns near St. Petersburg: stabilization with start of a decrease, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 41(11), 4365-4371,
Tags: FTIR, HCFC-22, Trends

2020, Compernolle, S., Verhoelst, T., Pinardi, G., Granville, J., Hubert, D., Keppens, A., Niemeijer, S., Rino, B., Bais, A., Beirle, S., Boersma, F., Burrows, J. P., De Smedt, I., Eskes, H., Goutail, F., Hendrick, F., Lorente, A., Pazmino, A., Piters, A., Peters, E., Pommereau, J.-P., Remmers, J., Richter, A., van Geffen, J., Van Roozendael, M., Wagner, T., and Lambert, J.-C., Validation of Aura-OMI QA4ECV NO2 climate data records with ground-based DOAS networks: the role of measurement and comparison uncertainties, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 8017–8045,
Tags: NO2, Satellite, UVVis, Validation

2020, Wang, H.J., R., Damadeo, R., Flittner, D., Kramarova, N., Taha, G., Davis, S., Thompson, A., Strahan S., Wang, Y., Froidevaux, L., Degenstein, D., Bourassa, A., Steinbrecht, W., Walker, K. A., Querel, R., Leblanc, T., Godin-Beekmann, S., Hurst, D., and Hall, E., Validation of SAGE III/ISSsolar occultation ozone products with correlative satellite and ground based measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 125, e2020JD032430,
Tags: Model, NO2, UVVis

2020, Zhao, X., D. Griffin, V. Fioletov, C. McLinden, A. Cede, M. Tiefengraber, M. Müller, K. Bognar, K. Strong, F. Boersma, H. Eskes, J. Davies, A. Ogyu, and S.C. Lee, Assessment of the quality of TROPOMI high-spatial-resolution NO2 data products in the Greater Toronto Area, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13, 2131-2159,
Tags: NO2, Satellite, UVVis

2020, Bernet, L., Brockmann, E., von Clarmann, T., Kämpfer, N., Mahieu, E., Mätzler, C., Stober, G. and Hocke, K., Trends of atmospheric water vapour in Switzerland from ground-based radiometry, FTIR and GNSS data, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(19), 11223–11244,
Tags: FTIR, H2O, Trends

2020, Friedrich, M., Beutner, E., Reuvers, H., Smeekes, S., Urbain, J.-P., Bader, W., Franco, B., Lejeune, B. and Mahieu, E., A statistical analysis of time trends in atmospheric ethane, Climate Change, 162(1), 105–125,
Tags: FTIR, Trends, C2H6

2019, Gruzdev, A.N., Accounting for serial correlation in a multiple linear regression problem on the example of analysis of the column NO2 content in the atmosphere, Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 55, 65–72,
Tags: NO2, UVVis

2019, Bernet, L., von Clarmann T., Godin-Beekmann S., Ancellet G., Maillard Barras E., Stübi R., Steinbrecht W., Kämpfer N., Hocke K., Ground-based ozone profiles over central Europe: incorporating anomalous observations into the analysis of stratospheric ozone trends, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19 (7), pp.4289-4309,
Tags: Microwave, Ozone, Sonde, Trends

2019, Kivimäki, E., et al., Evaluation and Analysis of the Seasonal Cycle and Variability of the Trend from GOSAT Methane Retrievals, Remote Sensing, 11, 882, 2019
Tags: CH4, FTIR, Trends

2019, Friedrich, M., M., Rivera, C., Stremme, W., Ojeda, Z., Arellano, J., Bezanilla, A., García-Reynoso, J. A., and Grutter, M., NO2 vertical profiles and column densities from MAX-DOAS measurements in Mexico City, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12, 2545–2565,
Tags: FTIR, NO2, UVVis