
2023, Sauvageat, E., Hocke, K., Maillard Barras, E., Hou, S., Errera, Q., Haefele, A., Murk, A., Microwave radiometer observations of the ozone diurnal cycle and its short-term variability over Switzerland, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,
Tags: Diurnal, Microwave, Ozone

2023, Whaley, C.H., Law, K. S., Hjorth, J. L., Skov, H., Arnold, S. R., Langner, J., Pernov, J. B., Bergeron, G., Bourgeois, I., Christensen, J. H., Chien, R.-Y., Deushi, M., Dong, X., Effertz, P., Faluvegi, G., Flanner, M., Fu, J. S., Gauss, M., Huey, G., Im, U., Kivi, R., Marelle, L., Onishi, T., Oshima, N., Petropavlovskikh, I., Peischl, J., Plummer, D. A., Pozzoli, L., Raut, J.-C., Ryerson, T., Skeie, R., Solberg, S., Thomas, M. A., Thompson, C., Tsigaridis, K., Tsyro, S., Turnock, S. T., von Salzen, K., and Tarasick, D. W., Paper 1: Arctic tropospheric ozone: assessment of current knowledge and model performance, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23, 637–661,
Tags: Arctic, Ozone, Sonde, Tropospheric Ozone

2021, Steinbrecht, W., Kubistin, D., Plass-Dülmer, C., Davies, J., Tarasick, D. W., von der Gathen, P., et al. , COVID-19 crisis reduces free tropospheric ozone across the Northern Hemisphere, Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL091987,
Tags: FTIR, Tropospheric Ozone

2021, Bouarar, I., B. Gaubert, G.P. Brasseur, W. Steinbrecht, T. Doumbia, S. Tilmes, et al., Ozone Anomalies in the Free Troposphere during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL094204,
Tags: Sonde, Tropospheric Ozone

2021, Kumar, P., J. Kuttippurath, P. von der Gathen, I. Petropavlovskikh, B. Johnson, A. McClure-Begley, P. Cristofanelli, P. Bonasoni, M. E. Barlasina, and R. Sanchez, The Increasing Surface Ozone and Tropospheric Ozone in Antarctica and Their Possible Drivers, Environmental Science & Technology, 55 (13), 8542–8553,
Tags: Sonde, Tropospheric Ozone

2021, Griffiths, P.T., L.T. Murray, G. Zeng, Y.M. Shin, N.L. Abraham, A.T. Archibald, M. Deushi, L. Emmons, I.E. Galbally, B. Hassler, L.W. Horowitz, J. Keeble, J. Liu, O. Moeini, V. Naik, F.M. O’Connor, D. Tarasick, S. Tilmes, S.T. Turnock, O. Wild, P.J. Young and P. Zanis, Tropospheric Ozone in CMIP6 Simulations, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 4187–4218,
Tags: Sonde, Tropospheric Ozone

2021, Schanz, A., Hocke, K.; Kämpfer, N.; Chabrillat, S.; Inness, A.; Palm, M.; Notholt, J.; Boyd, I.; Parrish, A.; Kasai, Y., The Diurnal Variation in Stratospheric Ozone from MACC Reanalysis, ERA-Interim, WACCM, and Earth Observation Data: Characteristics and Intercomparison, Atmosphere, 12, 625,
Tags: Microwave, Diurnal, Ozone, Model

2020, Maillard Barras, E., Haefele, A., Nguyen, L., Tummon, F., Ball, W. T., Rozanov, E. V., Rüfenacht, R., Hocke, K., Bernet, L., Kämpfer, N., Nedoluha, G., and Boyd, I., Study of the dependence of stratospheric ozone long-term trends on local solar time, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 8453–8471,
Tags: Diurnal, Microwave, Ozone, Trends

2020, Nedoluha, G.E., et al., Initial Results and Diurnal Variations Measured by a new Microwave Stratospheric ClO Instrument at Mauna Kea, Journal of Geophysical Research,
Tags: ClO, Diurnal, Microwave

2020, Steinbrecht, W., J. Davies, D.W. Tarasick, P. von der Gathen, H. Deckelmann, N. Jepsen, R. Kivi, N. Lyall, M. Palm, J. Notholt, B. Kois, P. Oelsner, R. Dirksen, M. Allaart, A. Pieters, M. Gill, R. van Malderen, A. Del Cloo, P. Skrivankova, R. Süssmann, E. Mahieu, G. Romanens, R. Stübi, G. Ancellet, S. Godin-Beekmann, K. Strong, B. Johnson, P. Cullis, I. Petropavlovskikh, J. Hannigan, J. L. Hernandez, A. D. Rodriguez, T. Nakano, T. Leblanc, C. Torres, O. Garcia, M. Schneider, T. Blumenstock, M. Tully, N. Jones, R. Querel, D. Smale, S. Strahan, A. Inness, R. Engelen , Unusually Low Ozone in the Free Troposphere throughout late Spring and Summer 2020 in the Northern Extratropics, Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2020GL091987,
Tags: Sonde, Tropospheric Ozone, Model