
2003, Ajtic, J., Connor, B.J.; Randall, C.E.; Lawrence, B.N.; Bodeker, G.E.; Rosenfield, J.E.; Heuff, D.N., Antarctic air over New Zealand following vortex breakdown in 1998, Annales Geophysicae, 21, 2175-2183
Tags: Dobson, Ozone, Sonde

2001, Ramaswamy, V., M.L. Chanin, J. Angell, J. Barnett, D. Gaffen, M. Gelman, P. Keckhut, Y. Kolshelkov, K. Labitzke, J-J. R. Lin, A. O’Neill, J. Nash, W. Randel, R. Rood, K. Shine, M. Shiotani, and R. Swinbank, Stratospheric temperature changes: observations and model simulations, Reviews of Geophysics, 39, 71-122
Tags: Lidar, Model, Temperature

1976, Rodgers, C.D., Retrieval of atmospheric temperature and composition from remote sounding measurements, Reviews of Geophysics, 14, 609-624
Tags: Historical, Microwave, Ozone, Temperature