
1994, Zander, R., Mahieu E., Demoulin Ph., Rinsland C.P., Weisenstein D. K., Ko M.K.W., Sze N.D., and Gunson M.R., Secular Evolution of the Vertical Column Abundances of CHClF2 (HCFC-22) in the Earth's Atmosphere Inferred from Ground-Based IR Solar Observations at the Jungfraujoch and at Kitt Peak, and Comparison with Model Calculations, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 18, 129-148
Tags: FTIR, HCFC-22, Model

1991, Demoulin, Ph., C.B. Farmer, C.P. Rinsland, and R. Zander, Determination of absolute strengths of N2 quadrupole lines from high resolution ground based IR solar observations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 96, 13,003-13,008
Tags: FTIR, N2

1991, Miller, A.J., Monitoring the stratosphere with satellites and the network for detection of stratospheric change, Global and Planetary Change, 4: 69-71,
Tags: Historical, Network, Satellite