
2012, Thompson, A.M., Miller, S. K., Tilmes, S., Kollonige, D. W., Witte, J. C., Oltmans, S. J., Johnson, B. J., Fujiwara, M., Schmidlin, F. J., Coetzee, G. J. R., Komala, N., Maata, M., bt Mohamad, M., Nguyo, J., Mutai, C., Ogino, S-Y., Raimundo Da Silva, F., Paes Leme, N. M., Posny, F., Scheele, R., Selkirk, H. B., Shiotani, M., Stübi, R., Levrat, G., Calpini, B., Thouret, V., Tsuruta, H., Valverde Canossa, J., Vömel, H., Yonemura, S., Andrés Diaz, J., Tan Thanh, N. T., and Thuy Ha, H. T., Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes (SHADOZ) ozone climatology (2005–2009): Tropospheric and tropical tropopause layer (TTL) profiles with comparisons to OMI based ozone products, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D23301,
Tags: Ozone, Satellite, Sonde

2012, Stavrakou, T., J-F. Müller, J. Peeters, A. Razavi, L. Clarisse, C. Clerbaux, P.-F. Coheur, D. Hurtmans, M. De Mazière, C. Vigouroux, N. M. Deutscher, D. W. T. Griffith, N. Jones, C. Paton-Walsh, Satellite evidence for a large source of formic acid from boreal and tropical forests, Nature Geoscience, 5, 26-30,
Tags: FTIR, HCOOH, Satellite

2012, Senten, C., De Mazière, M., Vanhaelewyn, G., and Vigouroux, C., Information operator approach applied to the retrieval of the vertical distribution of atmospheric constituents from ground-based high-resolution FTIR measurements, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5, 161-180,
Tags: Algorithm, FTIR

2012, Stiller, G.P., et al., Validation of MIPAS IMK/IAA temperature, water vapor, and ozone profiles with MOHAVE-2009 campaign measurements, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5, 289-320,
Tags: H2O, Microwave, Ozone, Satellite, Validation

1978, Mankin, W.G., Airborne Fourier transform spectroscopy of the upper atmosphere, Optical Engineering, 17, 39-43
Tags: FTIR, Historical