
1998, Bell, W., C. Paton Walsh, T.D. Gardiner, P.T. Woods, L.Donohoe, A. Gould, D. Secker, S. Naughten, N.R. Swann, N.A. Martin, L.E. Page, M.P. Chipperfield, A.M. Lee, and S. Pullen, Ground-based FTIR Measurements of Stratospheric Trace Species from Aberdeen During Winter and Spring 1993/94 and 1994/95 and Comparison with a 3D Model, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 30, 119-130
Tags: FTIR, Model

1997, Chipperfield, M.P., M. Burton, W. Bell, C. Paton Walsh, T. Blumenstock, M. T. Coffey, J. W. Hanningan, W. G. Mankin, B. Galle, J. Mellqvist, E. Mahieu, R. Zander, J. Notholt, B. Sen, and G. C. Toon, On the use of HF as a reference for the comparison of stratospheric observations and models, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 12,901-12,919
Tags: FTIR, HF, Model

1997, Shindell, D.T., R. L. de Zafra, Limits on heterogeneous processing in the Antarctic spring vortex from a comparison of measured and modeled chlorine, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 1441-1449
Tags: Cl, Microwave, Model

1996, Elser, M.B., D.W.T. Griffith, S.R. Wilson, and L.P. Steele, Carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, methane and carbon dioxide - trace gas analysis by FTIR spectroscopy, , In: Baseline Atmospheric Program Australia 1994-1995, edited by R.J. Francey, A.L. Dick, and N. Derek, Bureau of Meteorology, CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
Tags: CH4, CO, CO2, FTIR, N2O

1996, Kumer, J., et al., Comparison of CLAES preliminary N2O5 data with correlative data and a mode, Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 9657-9677
Tags: Model, N2O5, Satellite

1996, Panegrossi, G., D. Fua, and G. Fiocco, A 1-D model of the formation and evolution of Polar Stratospheric Clouds, Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 28, 5-12
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar, Model, PSC

1996, Portmann, R.W., S. Solomon, R. R. Garcia, L. W. Thomason, L. R. Poole, and M. P. McCormick, Role of aerosol variations in anthropogenic ozone depletion in polar regions, Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 22991-23006
Tags: Aerosol, Model, Ozone

1995, Liley, J.B., Analytic solution of a one-dimensional equation for aerosol and gas dispersion in the stratosphere, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 52, 3283-3288
Tags: Aerosol, Model

1995, Shindell, D.T., R.L. de Zafra, Chlorine Monoxide in the Antarctic Spring Vortex over McMurdo Station, 1993, II: A Comparison of Measured and Modeled Diurnal Cycling, Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 1475-1488
Tags: ClO, Diurnal, Microwave, Model

1995, Siskind, D.E., B.J. Connor, R.S. Eckman, E.E. Remsberg, J.J. Tsou, and A. Parrish, An Intercomparison of Model Ozone Deficits in the Upper Stratosphere and Mesosphere From Two Datasets, Journal of Geophysical Research, 100., 11191-11201
Tags: Microwave, Model, Ozone