Steering Committee Appointments and Elections

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The international Steering Committee (SC) of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC) is composed of: 

  • Two Co-Chairs; 
  • Nine pairs of permanent Working Group (WG) Representatives selected from Principal Investigators (PIs) representing the seven NDACC instrument types (Dobson & Brewer, FTIR, Lidar, Microwave, Sondes, Spectral UV, and UV/Visible) and two other relevant activities (Theory & Analysis, and Satellite); 
  • Pairs of Representatives from the various Theme Group (TG) (typically already members of the SC) representing activities that can be of more limited duration and are organized around specific foci; 
  • A group of Emeritus Representatives, Peer Representatives, and Ex Officio Representatives from countries, agencies, or organizations that provide support for the explicit NDACC activities (i.e., site implementation and use of resulting data); and 
  • Representatives from the NDACC Cooperating Networks. 

The replacement of the individual Co-Chairs and Working Group Representatives are to be staggered in time so as to maintain a favorable balance between experienced and new individuals. The two Co-Chairs and the two Representatives for each Working Group shall be from different institutions and geographical locations to facilitate attendance at the various meetings and international investigator contact and communication. 

Election of SC Co-Chairs 

The voting procedures for the election of the two SC Co-Chairs: 

  • Insofar as possible, the Co-Chairs should be current members of the SC, possess overall expertise and understanding of NDACC protocols and activities, and have some managerial experience. . Furthermore, they must be willing to undertake the responsibility of soliciting the resources required to support an Executive Secretary for the SC from the organizations affiliated with NDACC activities. The nomination of an individual not presently serving on the SC will require confirmation that the candidate possesses the above qualifications. 
  • SC members shall submit nominations for either of these two positions at least one month prior to the SC meeting during which the elections will be held. 
  • Voting can be conducted by secret ballot or by a show of hands, with the former procedure being adopted if a member of the SC requests it. Proxy voting is authorized and encouraged in order to achieve the required quorum for election. A minimum of two-thirds of the SC membership shall constitute a quorum for such elections. 
  • The election of a Co-Chair shall require a majority of the total votes cast. 
  • The term of office of the Co-Chairs shall be three years each, with no limit on the number of terms served. 
  • A resignation (preferably announced at least six months prior to its occurrence) or an unexpected departure of a Co-Chair prior to the completion of a 3-year term should be dealt with at the following SC meeting. 

Selection of Working Group Representatives

  • The principal investigators within each of nine NDACC Working Groups mentioned above will nominate the WG’s two SC Representatives and will submit the nominations to the SC at or (preferably) one month prior to the SC meeting during which approval will be requested. 
  • In those cases where the Working Group Representative’s term will expire at the next annual SC meeting, and the Working Group meeting is scheduled to take place after the SC meeting, the Working Group Representatives can conduct an E-mail poll with the entire Working Group in advance of the SC meeting. Alternatively, the Working Group Representatives can wait to discuss the selection of a new Representative (or reelection of the current Representative) with the members of the Working Group at their meeting, and then present the Group’s decision to the SC Co-Chairs for final approval. 
  • The terms of the Working Group Representatives nominally will be three years and can be extended/reduced on a case-by-case basis if agreed upon by members of the appropriate Working Group and the SC. There shall be no limit to the number of terms served. The SC shall have the ultimate authority for a decision in matters such as resolving a conflict situation involving a Working Group Representative. 
  • The resignation of a Working Group Representative preferably should be submitted to the NDACC SC Co-Chairs and to members of the relevant Working Group at least six months before the effective date. An unexpected departure should be dealt with as quickly as possible. In such a case, the new nomination should be submitted to the SC (via the Co-Chairs) for an immediate decision rather than waiting for the next SC meeting. 
  • The Representatives for each WG will coordinate their SC-related activities and responsibilities, and will make arrangements so that at least one of them is present at all Working Group and SC meetings. 

Selection of Theme Group Representatives 

Theme Groups can be established by the SC and the leads of these groups appointed at any of the annual SC meetings. While the leads are typically drawn from the current SC membership, the SC can accept an individual outside of its ranks for such leadership if there is a need for outside expertise in leading a TG activity. This individual will then become a TG Representative on the SC for the duration of that activity. 

Designation of Emeritus, Peer, and Ex Officio Representatives 

The NDACC SC has the authority to evaluate and make decisions regarding the nomination, appointment, and terms of Emeritus, Peer, and Ex Officio Representatives. Such flexibility shall ensure that the historical perspectives associated with past operational and scientific oversight decisions are retained, that expertise exists for the tasking and/or reviewing of specific science matters and for adequately addressing any special NDACC-related issues, and that international organizational interests are represented. 

Designation of Cooperating Network Representatives 

Each Cooperating Network shall be asked to appoint one or two representatives to serve on the NDACC SC in order to provide information about their network activities that are pertinent to NDACC interests and to discuss possible collaborative activities with NDACC. Where appropriate, NDACC may request representation on the corresponding oversight group of the Cooperating Network. Refer to the Cooperating Network Protocol for more information. 

Protocol Limits and Revisions 

The SC, on a case-by-case basis, shall address any issues not covered by the above guidelines. Similarly, the SC can implement changes to these guidelines if approved by a majority vote (i.e., a two-thirds SC membership quorum).

Revision date