
2009, Dou, X., T. Li, J. Xu, H. Liu, X. Xue, S. Wang, T. Leblanc, I.S. McDermid, A. Hauchecorne, P. Keckhut, H. Bencherif, G. Heinselman, W. Steinbrecht, M.G. Mlynczak, and J.M. Russell III, Seasonal Oscillations Of Middle Atmosphere Temperature Observed By Rayleigh Lidars And Their Comparisons With TIMED/SABER Observations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D20103,
Tags: Lidar, Temperature

2009, Randel, W.J., K. Shine, J. Austin, J. Barnett, C. Claud, N.P. Gillett, P. Keckhut, U. Langematz, R. Lin, G. Long, C. Mears, A. Miller, J. Nash, D.J. Seidel, D.W.J. Thompson, F.Wu and S. Yoden, An Updated Of Observed Stratospheric Temperature Trends, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D02107,
Tags: Lidar, Temperature, Trends

2009, Steinbrecht, W., McGee, T. J., Twigg, L. W., Claude, H., Schönenborn, F., Sumnicht, G. K., and Silbert, D, Intercomparison of stratospheric ozone and temperature profiles during the October 2005 Hohenpeißenberg Ozone Profiling Experiment (HOPE), Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2, 125–145,
Tags: Ozone, Sonde, Temperature

2009, Steinbrecht, W., H. Claude, F. Schonenborn, I.S. McDermid, T. Leblanc, S. Godin-Beekmann, P. Keckhut, A. Hauchecorne, J.A.E. Van Gijsel, D.P.J. Swart, G. Bodeker, A. Parrish, I. Boyd, N. Kampfer, C. Hocke, R.S. Stolarski, S.M. Frith, L.W. Thomason, E.E. Remsberg, C. Von Savigny, A. Rozanov, and J.P. Burrows, Ozone And Temperature Trends In The Upper Stratosphere At Five Stations Of The Network For The Dectection Of Atmospheric Composition Change, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30, 3875-3886
Tags: Lidar, Ozone, Temperature, Trends

1997, Beyerle, G., B. Luo, R. Neuber, Th. Peter, and I. S. McDermid, Temperature dependence of ternary solution particle volumes as observed by lidar in the Arctic stratosphere during winter 1992/1993, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 3603-3609
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar, Temperature

1997, Gross, M.R., T. J. McGee, R. A. Ferrare, U. Singh, and P. Kimvilikani, Temperature Measurements Made with a Combined Rayleigh-Mie/Raman Lidar, Applied Optics, 24, 5987-5995
Tags: Lidar, Temperature

1997, Hansen, G., U.-P. Hoppe, Lidar observations of Polar Stratospheric Clouds and stratospheric temperatures in winter 1995/96 over northern Norway, Geophysical Research Letters, 24, 131 -134
Tags: Aerosol, Lidar, PSC, Temperature

1997, Larsen, N., B. M. Knudsen, J. M. Rosen, N. T. Kjome, R. Neuber, and E. Kyrö, Temperature histories in liquid and solid PSC formation, Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 23,505-23,517
Tags: PSC, Sonde, Temperature

1997, Marenco, F., A. di Sarra, M. Cacciani, G. Fiocco, and D. Fua, Thermal structure of the winter middle atmosphere observed by lidar at Thule, Greenland, during 1993- 94, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 59, 151-158
Tags: Lidar, Temperature

1991, Gobbi, G.P., T. Deshler, A. Adriani, and D.J. Hofmann, Evidence for denitrification in the 1990 Antarctic spring Stratosphere: I, Lidar and temperature measurements, Geophysical Research Letters, 18, 1995-1998
Tags: Lidar, Temperature