
2022, Wells, K.C., Millet, D. B., Payne, V. H., Vigouroux, C., Aquino, C. A. B., De Mazière, M., de Gouw, J. A., Graus, M., Kurosu, T., Warneke, C., and Wisthaler, A., Next-generation Isoprene Measurements from Space: Detecting Daily Variability at High Resolution, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2021JD036181,
Tags: C5H8, FTIR, Isoprene, Satellite

2016, Brogniez, C., F. Auriol, C. Deroo, A. Arola, J. Kujanpss, B. Sauvage, N. Kalakoski, M. R. A. Pitksnen, M. Catalfamo, J.-M. Metzger, G. Tournois, and P. Da Conceicao, Validation of satellite-based noontime UVI with NDACC ground-based instruments: influence of topography, environment and satellite overpass time, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16, 15049-15074,
Tags: Satellite, Spectral UV, UV Index, Validation

2016, Moshammer, H., Simic, S.; Haluza, D., UV 'Indices'-What Do They Indicate?, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(10)
Tags: Erythemal UV, Spectral UV, UV Index

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Tags: H2O, Microwave, Solar Cycle

2007, Wuttke, S., Naggar, S., Bluszcz, T., Schrems, O., Ship-borne measurements of erythemal UV irradiance and ozone content in various climate zones, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 6(10), 1081-1088,
Tags: Erythemal UV, Ozone, Solar Cycle, Spectral UV

1998, Brinksma, E.J., Y. J. Meijer, I. S. McDermid, R. P. Cageao, J. B. Bergwerff, D. P. J. Swart, W. Ubachs, W. A. Matthews, W. Hogervorst and J. W. Hovenier, First lidar observations of mesospheric hydroxyl, Geophysical Research Letters, 25, 51-54
Tags: Hydroxyl, Lidar

1995, Keckhut, P., Midlatitude Summer Response of the Middle Atmosphere to Short-term Solar UV Changes, Annals of Geophysics, 13(6), 641-647
Tags: Lidar, Solar Cycle, Temperature

1992, Keckhut, P., Chanin, M.L., Middle Atmosphere Response to the 27-Day Solar Rotation as Observed by Lidar, Geophysical Research Letters, 19(8), 809-812
Tags: Lidar, Solar Cycle, Temperature